組曲 熊野古道より I. II. III. IV. V. VI.


作品は6曲からなり I. 熊野の神々 II. 牛馬童子(花山法皇) III. 三体月 IV. 石畳道 V. 平安の息吹 VI. 那智の滝 の構成となっています。

楽器編成は Mezzo Soprano in G、Alto in C、Tenor in G、Bass in C となっています。

The piece was premiered at three performances on March 11, 2023, April 22, and 29.

The piece consists of six pieces: I. The Gods of Kumano, II. Gyuba-Doji (Emperor Hanayama), III. Santai Tsuki(Three Moons), IV. Ishidatami-michi( Stone pavement pass) V. The Breath of Heian period (794-1185), and VI. Nachi Falls.

The organization is Mezzo Soprano in G, Alto in C, Tenor in G, Bass in C.