作品は「姫塚」「出会い」「葛藤」そして「秋祭り」の四つの部分から構成されています。敢えて「切腹」や「自害」の部分は割愛いたしました。 また「秋祭り」は伝統的に現在まで伝えられている「祭囃子」を加え、悲劇の後に雅な様子を感じ取って頂けたら幸いです。
It was premiered at the "Heart-to-heart concert" held on June 6, 2023 at the Baltic Hall (Fuchu City, Tokyo).
Shichinohe Town in Aomori Prefecture used to prosper as a castle town, but it was discovered that the Shichinohe Castle lord's daughter (the princess) was in love with a vassal. It is a tragic
love story in which the lord of the castle is angry, the vassals commit seppuku, and the princess follows suit and commits suicide. Even now, there is Himezuka in the depression behind the
castle ruins, and the small stone tombs of the vassals are placed next to it.
The work consists of four parts: "Himezuka", "Encounter", "Conflict" and "Autumn Festival". I dared to omit the parts about "seppuku" and "self-harm". In addition, we would be happy if you could feel the elegant atmosphere after the tragedy by adding the traditional "festival music" to the "Autumn Festival".