and all on the earth has gone / そして全ては失われた



 吹奏楽では、1999年5月29日に松本ウインズ・コンソート第7回定期演奏会にて作曲者自身の指揮おいて初演されました。また、ブラスバンドでは、同年6月13日、高倉正己 氏 指揮、東京ブラス・ソサエティによって初演されました。

 2011年6月に、同東京ブラス・ソサエティによって再演され、そのライブ録音がCD化されました。指揮は山本武雄 氏 です。


"and all on the earth had gone" was composed for Wind Band and Brass Band same time. The reason of the composition is the composer felt the strong indignant over the atomic test of India and Pakistan 1998.

The piece conceits of six parts, " Development", "Sorrow", "Anxiety", "Discordance", "battle", "Destruction" and "and all on the earth had gone". The egoism is appear with the development of the machine civilization, national discord be makes and the earth is destroy.

Many strife still are continue on the earth. We must feel strong fear of nuclear warfare. We also have many troubles of environmental pollution. The piece was composed because Akira hopes those troubles will become to the early settlement.

The premiere was by Akira Toda with Matsumoto Winds Consort at 7th regular concert May 29, 1999. The premiere for brass band was by Mr. Masami Takakura with Tokyo Brass Society June 13, 1999.

the piece was recorded by Mr. Takeo Yamamoto with Tokyo Brass Society June, 2011.
